

April 1, 2018

Mara visits Wellington’s wind turbine on Easter morning.


February 28, 2018

The perfect day to enjoy the company of some fantastic people… and their dogs. You’re fabulous, Wellington!


February 16, 2018

Here are two things I’m proud of when it comes to the Trade Me iOS app:1. Ongoing efforts to add more support for te reo Māori2. Seeing all the hard work the team do be acknowledged by the AppStore editors.


February 15, 2018

This talk by Jeremy Keith at Webstock ‘18 is so relevant to @manton’s

In the name of convenience we sacrifice control. The indie web is what can bring back balance.


February 10, 2018

Maybe I should write a counterpart article to this to list the things I’m surprised we have given the list of things we don’t have.


February 9, 2018

No, I did not get a test build of Snapchat. It’s just iOS 11 being a bit silly.


January 14, 2018

My clap-and-pedal technique has worked. Miss 4 has learned how to ride a bike today.